Resident Power Celebrates its Second Birthday Providing New Hampshire Residents Cheap Electricity Rates

Manchester, NH | April 12, 2013

April 1st marked the second year of Resident Power’s involvement in the New Hampshire residential electric marketplace. In the Spring of 2011 Resident Power burst onto the New Hampshire scene offering residents and small businesses their first ever alternative to PSNH and the other utilities.

Managing Director, Bart Fromuth, recalls Resident Power’s very first customer. “We were on our way to the New Hampshire Home Show to unveil the new start up and the folks in the office down the hall from us, asked if they could sign up. I’ll never forget it since they were our very first customer. I still have the enrollment form in a display case next to my desk.”

Today, Resident Power has over 15,000 customers across the Granite State and continues to grow. New Hampshire has recently seen a significant influx of competition in reaction to the state’s largest utility charging one of the highest electricity rates in New England. “We might not be the only game in town anymore, but we were the first, we are the cheapest and we are the only New Hampshire based provider,” said Fromuth.

Resident Power credits much of its first two years of success to their aggregation model. As an aggregator, Resident Power has the choice to find the best options available for consumers, and believes this will be the key to their continued success for the years to come.

Resident Power projects that by their third birthday they will have grown to over 30,000 customers and expanded their services to include other energy products such as wood pellets and potentially natural gas. “It’s an exciting time to be in the energy business and we want to offer as many services to our customers as possible.”

Resident Power is a registered aggregator with the New Hampshire PUC. Resident Power specializes in providing low cost aggregation services to residential and small commercial customers throughout New Hampshire.